Zoo Atlanta

May 31, 2016 Atlanta, GA, USA

Hellooo again! So today, Jordan and I decided to take a trip down to the Atlanta Zoo because I had never been to an American zoo and he had never visited a zoo *crazy, I know!*. And because of the long weekend, we decided, why not kill two birds with one stone? 

In retrospect, it was probably wayyy too hot to have even bothered stepping outside, but nonetheless, we found ourselves at the zoo. Of course I already knew what to expect, except this time around I would see a few exhibits I've maybe never seen before, but for Jordan this was all a new experience; he had no idea what to expect. 

I think Jordan may have gone into this little trip with higher expectations that the average 4 year old. He was excited to see all the animals, but was especially excited about seeing a tiger and the pandas. But he also had the expectation that the animals would be up and about, and extremely lively. Unfortunately, he was in for a rude awakening.

We headed straight for the panda exhibit once we were at the zoo, then worked our way back to the entrance, stopping to see the other animals along the way. I didn't snap too many pictures of the animals because I managed to put together a little vlog of our trip *which will be included at the end of this post*. 

On our way to see the pandas, we came across the flamingos and the elephants, but Jordan was not too impressed, so we moved on.  

His only objective was to see the tiger exhibit and the pandas, but unfortunately we couldn't seem to find the tiger in his cage, so it was on to the pandas! I think this was the highlight of his day, even though he kept saying, "They don't do much." I've never seen a grown person get so excited about seeing an animal before! But it's okay because I think it made up for his disappointment in all the other animals just "sleeping and playing dead" all afternoon *his words exactly, poor boy doesn't understand how a zoo works*.

Other than that, I'd say the day was quite eventful. I got to visit an American zoo for the first time, and Jordan finally got to visit a zoo, period. All in all, the heat may have been a bit much for me *I kept daydreaming about swimming pools* but it was still fun. Just another great memory!

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