Proof that All Nudes Are Not "The Same"

September 12, 2018

If you're anything like me, you most likely have 5 bottles of "the same" nail polish and around 60 different tubes of "the same" nude lipstick... except for the fact that they actually aren't all THE SAME, even though, to the rest of the world, it may seem that way. 

Honestly, if I had a dollar for every time someone came over and took a peek at my lipstick drawer, then proceeded to ask me why I have an entire drawer full of the same shade of lipstick, I think I would be able to settle down somewhere nice and quiet (maybe near the ocean). And without fail, my response always defaults to, "Pero, like, they're not the same though..."

I CAN'T HELP THE FACT THAT I LOVE NUDES SO MUCH! I'm just so drawn to them (it's like they call my name whenever they sense me near by). Sure, you may think I own the same shade of nail polish or lipstick 50 times over, but in actuality, no two nudes are the same; they could be cousins or sisters, but they're not all the same (unless you're a brand trying to make a dupe, but dasss none of my business).

So I say all of this to introduce my latest additions to my lippy collection (did you see that one coming? Or did you think this was going to be a rant about nudes?). 

Below I have included a few close up shots of each lipstick, along with swatches of everything side by side, so it would be much easier to see the differences in each lippy. And I actually mainly wanted to include the swatches because I personally know how hard it can be to sometimes find good swatches of Bobbi Brown lipsticks in particular, so I wanted to be sure to include these to show comparisons of a few popular shades that many people often have a hard time differentiating between (especially with online pictures making it so difficult).

So if you guys are interested in checking out my nudes (lol), then just keep on scrolling!

Smashbox- Be Legendary Lipstick

Shades: Monogamous & Nylon Nude

Bobbi Brown- Art Stick Liquid Lip | MAC- Retro Matte Liquid Lipcolour

Shades: Perfect Nude | Preferentially Yours

Bobbi Brown- Lip Color

Shade: Brownie Pink (56) (I got 2)

Bobbi Brown- Luxe Lip Color

Shades: Guava, Uber Pink & Bare Pink


From left to right: (Smashbox) Monogamous, (Smashbox) Nylon Nude, (Bobbi Brown) Perfect Nude, (MAC) Preferentially Yours, (Bobbi Brown) Guava, (Bobbi Brown) Uber Pink, (Bobbi Brown) Bare Pink, (Bobbi Brown) Brownie Pink

Be sure to let me know which nudes were your favourite and feel free to share which nude lipsticks you can't go without! I'd love to give them a whirl (@MAC that was actually unintentional, but totally fitting!).


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